miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

NOVEMBER 25 - 29


  • write a short story/ sequence events
  • let's make an instrument
  • grammar

  • telling and writing time to the half hour
  • solving problems about time

  • Dictation
  • quiz on z,x,y on tuesday 26 pages 53-56
  • short vowel sound  Aa
  • vocabulary: ant, map,cat,man,rat,cap,bat,can,fan,pan,ax,lamp,tag,tack,bag,ram,dad,ham,lamb,hand......   Practice these words at home. These are some words we will see along the short vowel sound Aa. We will have dictations, adentify pictures. It is possible that we can add more words through the week.

  • letter Ss
  • words in context
  • spelling activities

  • water resources
  • land and air resources

  • is and are
  • negative form of is and are

  • for wednesday 27 we need an apple. could be green or red apple. SIN FALTA this will be evaluated too.

NOTA: For this comming Wednesday we will celebrate the ThanksGiving Day. Children will pray to God and we will share a fantastic meal. It is important to teach to our children the importance of Giving Thanks, it is a time to remember our blessings and make good cheer with all those who are so dear.

I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving

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