viernes, 8 de enero de 2016


  • One of the important things that tells a lot about us is that we must takecare of ourselves. Fifth graders are enough old to know that they must wash teeth, comb hair, take a shower, clean ears, cut nails and keep them clean so all this is MANDATORY for you. Next week and the rest of the schoolar year you will accomplish with them. EVERY DAY YOU MUST SMEEL GOOD. You are throughing pass changes in your body and that is very normal but those changes sometimes produce bad odors. Please learn to take care of yourself. 
  • Accomplish with homework and workclass. I won't be running behind you to check your work. I you do not finish in class will be assigned it as homework and you have to handle it to me to check it. BE RESPONSABLE!
  • parents conference on FRIDAY 15 

Selection: Dwainna Brooks
Read: Dwainna Brooks
pgs 170-181

Thursday 14
Quiz/comprehension and vocabulary
Pgs 170-181
Social Studies
Please click on the next link:

  • Watch the video
  • Write a summary of the video no less of two pages, with cover, your name and date.
  • Only English in the summary. If you are going to use a translator make sure have sense the information.
  • Take in mind the next information to write your summary:
  1. Focus how communism had effect in Cuba. (adventages and desaventages)
  2. talk about exile people. what were the causes?
  3. Who was Fidel Castro, Raul Castro, Che Guevara, Fulgencio Baptista?
  4. Write about democracy in Cuba. Exist democracy?
  5. What are the effects if someone is opossed to Castro Ideology?
  6. how was the relationship between Cuba and United States?
  7. Which country supported to Cuba ideology?
  8. How is life in Cuba in present days?
  9. there were political conspirations?
  10. Write about Cuba revolution, it was pacify? there was dictatorship?
  11. in what excelled Cuba? Good things or activities.
  • remember, this is a summary, no paragraphs with different ideas and isolate sentences eather. All the paragraps must be conected each other, follow the process we used in grammar and reading class how to write.
  • Put in order your ideas before writing.
  • DUE DATE: Thursday 14

Vowe sound /oo/, /yoo/
Write 10 sentences with vocabulary from the  lesson
Division patterns

How substances interact?
Investigating chemical changes
Make a fruit salad

Look at the chart below.
Subject pronouns
Object pronouns

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