YEY!!!! Time to see your parents is around the corner.
- La entrega de calificaciones es este viernes 6 de Noviembre de 8:00 a 12:00 p.m. Por favor ser puntual con el horario.
- ESPELLING BEE is around the corner. Please be ready for the date. Vocabulary you already have it. I know you are GREAT SPELLERS so, I hope you give the 101% in this championship. The internal competition of our class will be November 13. REMEMBER! you are amazing students and 5th grade is the place of the champions.
- Your autobiographies were so great, besides of was also a job I could know some details, tastes, friends, adventures, family, places you have gone, special moments of your life, sad moments, accidents, first love, and so on. It was a special job. Congratulate!!!
- Si usted siente una debilidad en algun tema en especifico o materia busque informacion extra en el internet, ejercicios que le ayuden a practicar y manejar el tema de la mejor manera. Recuerde, habran worksheets sorpresa, no deje que esas worksheets lo sorprendan a usted.
- Alumnos que no han llevado el folder, por favor hacerlo en esta semana.
- Talent show, keep it on mind please.
- personal narrative
- Movie: to understand how native people lived years back ago and when conquers sailed and land in Latin America and have a time for entertaining.
- Independence
- HOMEWORK: write 2 related words for each word long /a/ and long /e/
- Multiplication Patterns
- How do organisms become adapted to their environments?
- environmental change
- learning from fossils
- Possessive nouns
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