miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2014

AUGUST 18-22

Welcome to our school and thank you for placing your trust in us.
We look forward to achieve our goals with quality and determination. 
With the help of God our expectetions will be reached and I hope, I wish you as parents and me get agree in all details, needs of our students.
We are going to start the new race, the new experiences with the rigth foot.

Welcome again and thank you in advance.

Mrs. Suazo


  • Know  parts of the book
  • know the importance of the reading
  • community-building
  • develope listening comprehension

  • making 6,7,8

  • partner letters
  • the sound os s
  • the sound of t

  • sound -letter l
  • sound-letter t
  • sound-letter h

  • What's alive?
  • what are the parts of plants?
  • be familiar with vocabulary: roots, stem, flower, leaves

  • What is a sentence?
  • naming part
  • action part

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