miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014


Hello parents. I want to thank each one for all your support in this activity as another ones. This saving pig was a wonderful idea that your children did it in Science class. They could understand the importance in how to help the earth  reducing reycling and reusing. In this case, we put in action the word reuse that means use something again. Even. they enjoyed to do it and could be work as incentive to save money. We must inculcate to our children the importance of the three Rs and save money.

this is only a different version
  • reading: How leopard his spots 45-60
  • vocabulary: know, brown, own, very, never, out, been.
  • illustrated about sequence events.
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  • before,after, between
  • problem solving
  • odd and even numbers

  • long vowel a
  • phonemical awareness: a /ai/
  • letter t,p, n, g
  • Quiz on thursday 30 w,z,k,y pages 34-41
  • weather and seasons
  • what is weather
  • weather changes
  • quiz on adjectives and adjectives with er and est page 173-180
  • opposites

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