The most wonderful creation the Lord has made, He send her to care of us, to guide us, to teach us everything even how to tie our shoes. Her love extremelly pure, behind her eyes we find that delicate and strongest love we know in the whole world and just imagine that she is getting older, getting silver hair, wrinklen skin that only means one thing; she gave her life, her entire life with sacrifices and love. A mother is the person who gives you all of her, every piece of her existence since the moment she keep us in her womb. We have millions of reason to lover her. I wish you a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Beautiful mothers of FITH GRADE.
A cada una de las madres del 5to grado las invito a ver este video, un video muy bonito y lleno de muchas sorpresas, sobre todo de mucho amor. Espero les guste y lo disfruten. Feliz dia les desea Mrs. Suazo.
- Elections to choose new president/Friday
Review of elements of the plot
Social Studies
VCCCV Pattern
Frequency Tables
What produces electricity
Parts of the speech
Some special moments
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