jueves, 16 de enero de 2014


For these days is necessary warm hugs. 

  • turtle, frog and rat. listening comprehensio. a reading class
  • oral vocabulary: view, frisky, adventure, shievered, tumbled, spied.
  • phonemic awareness: diagraphs ch, tch.
  • quiz of numbers 0-19 and 100 numbers 241-250 on monday 20
  • review how to count 10 by 10  5 by 5  2 by 2
  • Short vowel e
  • vocabulary: net, web, bed, pen, leg, ten, hen, jet, tent, sled, desk, belt, nest, men, vest, beg, red, egg, smell, spell, tell, well, then,.....will add vocabulary as advance the class.
  • letters t and p
  • letters n and g
  • How can we help earth?
  • vocabulary: reuse   ,, recycle   reduce
  • quiz on caring our earth pages C30 - C35 on friday 24
  • for monday 20 the next materials:
 una botella de refresco vacia y limpia (la anterior a la de 2 litros)
4 taparroscas
1 par de ojos locos

  • Opposites
NOTA: La Asamblea de Honores sera el dia Martes 21 de Enero.

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