miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

NOVEMBER 18 - 22


  • read: A Musical Day  page 71-84   Your child needs to practice reading at home. Please encourage your child to read to acquire better reading comprehension. The work only in class never  is enough.
  • why is important the order of the story events?
  • frequency words: our, today, she, now, her, would    For friday 22nd students will present at least two senteces for each word. They can use the reading as support. Not the same sentences.
  • develope comprehension
  • reading comprehension on friday 22nd 
  • understanding  the hour and minute hands
  • telling and writing time
  • for monday 18  bring a hand made clock. make sure that your child work more in it. Use your creativity. This is an example:

  • the sound of v
  • the sound of qu
  • the sound x
  • the sound y
  • recognize pictures
  • dictations
  • quiz on wednesday 20th pages 41-51   make sure to study the words in the notebook too. practice dictations, words in context (sentences), identify pictures.
  • quiz on Tuesday 19    page 18-25    letters p , c, d ,g     For the spelling quiz students need to practice the words at home. Make dictations at home, identify pictures, with the words we have been working in the notebook specially. Those are the frequency words use them in context.
  • letter s
  • identify pictures
  • words in context
  • dictations
  • desert
  • quiz on Wednesday 20 page   B24- B45
  • looking our hearth
  • vocabulary: natural resources, mineral,soil,humus
  • verbs with ed
  • quiz on pronouns and verbs  Thirsday 21 page 119-124
  • is and are

NOTA: Si por alguna razón no ha enviado las notas de calificaciones favor enviarlas sin falta el lunes.
Cada trabajo hecho en casa que se solicita asegúrese que su hijo trabaje mas del 50% en el. También asegúrese que sea enviado la fecha indicada ya que se evaluara puntualidad y dedicación en el trabajo. 

Have a nice weekend!!

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